7 Ways to Improve Data Security for Your Business

Data theft is a big concern for businesses these days. With the reliance on the internet and data science to handle business today, you can’t afford to take things easy and host insecure files. Unfortunately, 82% of organizations believe they’re currently vulnerable to cybercrime.

If you’re concerned about your company’s data security, you can do a few things to make things safer. Keep reading to learn seven ways to improve your company’s cyber defenses.

Install a Central Firewall

Person installing firewall

It’s hard to secure your data when you can’t see what’s happening on your business network. Implement a central firewall instead of allowing all of your traffic to travel through a single server or individual computers. Having a central firewall will help you monitor intruders and protect your network from attacks.

Your central firewall compares your internet traffic with a threat database. If your firewall detects a threat, it will block the traffic and alert a network administrator.

You can also use a firewall to control the websites that employees access. This means you can block shady websites that have viruses and malware.

Put Access Control Policies in Place

It’s a significant security risk when employees can access every file in your organization. If someone gets compromised by a cyberattack, your whole company gets compromised.

That isn’t true if you put access control policies in place. When you control access to data, a cybercriminal will have a hard time getting the information they want. They can only see the data that the compromised employee can access.

There are several methods you can use to control access to data. One of the most popular methods is role-based access control (RBAC).

The other popular method is a logon token. A logon token is an electronic identifier that you can combine with other security measures to control data access.

Use Multi-Factor Authentication

Authentication failed message

Passwords aren’t enough to secure accounts in today’s world. Even if you have strong passwords, a cybercriminal can easily get into your system using other methods.

If you want to protect your accounts, use multi-factor authentication. Multi-factor authentication uses secondary codes to log into computer systems. This code gets sent by email, text message, phone call, or an authentication application.

Even if a hacker knows the password to an account, they won’t be able to access the account without the other authentication factors.

Check out the full article on ncg-net.com to learn more about setting up multi-factor authentication.

Buy Anti-Malware Software

Windows security notification

Malware is the most common security threat for businesses, so it makes sense to buy anti-malware software. Anti-malware software will scan your systems for malware, viruses, and other threats.

The best software combines protection and detection in one easy program. The protection feature of the software will stop viruses from getting into your system.

Of course, new malware threats get released all the time. Some of those threats aren’t detectable by anti-malware software since your software uses a malware database for detection. You’ll need to find software that updates regularly to ensure you have protection against the newest threats.

Offer VPNs to Remote Employees

Remote work is becoming more common today. With how much technology has advanced, it’s easy to find a way to work from home.

However, you need to be careful with remote employees. If someone hacks into an employee’s computer, they can also get into your systems. You also need to worry about employees using unsecured WiFi and falling victim to man-in-the-middle attacks when on the road.

This is why you need to offer employees a VPN. A VPN encrypts all transmitted data and routes it through an encrypted tunnel. This will keep people safe from cybercriminals, avoid man-in-the-middle attacks, and prevent hackers from hacking into your network.

Many firewalls also include a VPN, so keep that in mind when purchasing.

Offer Employee Training

Person presenting

A great security system will only get you so far. You have to trust that your employees know how to behave on the internet and avoid online threats. Unfortunately, not every person has the skill to stay safe online.

That makes training your employees crucial. You need to teach your employees how to avoid cyberattacks, detect and report online threats, and use the internet safely.

You can’t consider the job done after a single training session. Offer regular training to your employees. You can do this with online courses or hire an expert to provide in-person training for everyone who learns better that way.

Purchase a Security Audit

You may be able to get far by handling cyber security yourself. However, it’s easy to make a simple mistake. The problem is that a single mistake is all it takes to compromise a business network.

That makes working with a security firm a good idea. They’ll run a security audit on your company and find any holes in your security system. As long as you use the recommendations they give you, you should be able to improve your network and prevent cyber attacks.

A security company can also monitor your network for you. If hackers try to make a move, the security firm will notice and help you address the problem before any data gets stolen.

Always Keep Watching Over Your Business Data Security

With so many threats on the internet, it’s hard to ignore data security in today’s world. If you don’t do enough to protect your data, you’ll end up with security holes that threaten your business data. Put the tips above in place today to improve your company’s tech security.

If you’re looking for more helpful tips that will help you make use of tech in your business, head back to the blog to read the latest posts about IT.

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