Digital Marketing Innovations You Should Know About

All the top digital marketing trends we know today were marked as ambitious and ridiculous in the past.

Digital marketing evolves every year, and to stay on top, you must adapt to the latest innovations.

If you want to be on-trend and jump on the bandwagon early, here are some of the most important digital marketing innovations you should know about.

1. AI in Digital Marketing

Artificial intelligence

In recent years Artificial intelligence (AI) has brought us intuitive reporting, boosting search engine optimization and monitoring site traffic. AI advances every day and brings us many technological novelties.

So far, it has been able to predict what customers want next. Artificial Intelligence analyzes data faster and at a bigger capacity than humans can.

It can process massive data and analyze purchase history and customer behavior. Then it can suggest specific offers or items and even a personalized advertisement.

Using AI to your advantage, you can target customers with products or services they need at the right moment.

That will help you understand your customers and their needs without targeting or being intrusive.

2. NFTs

Word NFT

Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are becoming increasingly popular, and the NFT trade volume is growing daily.

In 2020 it was $95 million, and in 2021 it was approximately $25 billion.

There are many types of NTF, but the most widely known type is NFT Artwork. That includes trading cards, collectibles, music, event tickets, gaming, memes, virtual fashion, charity, digital video clips, etc.

Each kind of NFT is unique, and there is a big market for collectible NFTs.

Many people trade NFTs for profit, and stories of profitable NFT trading are widely reported.

There is increased interest in NFTs, and more corporate sponsors are entering the NFT world. Many brands use NFTs to link owners to communities or be used as a digital badge.

At the 2022 Super Bowl, the NFL gave everyone in the crowd an NFT that was unique for each seat and represented a digital keepsake.

People are speculating that 2022 will be the year NFTs go mainstream. However, NFT is changing by the minute so stay safe and educated.

3. Core Web Vitals

Dashboard analytics

Made by Google, Core Web Vitals is a set of metrics that lets users view the success of a site from the customer’s perspective.

Optimizing a high-quality user experience is crucial for the long-term success of any website, whether you are a marketer, business owner, or developer.

Core Web Vitals plays a big part in your digital and content marketing, can be applied to all web pages, and helps you identify opportunities to improve in any field.

The current Core Web Vitals metrics are LCP (Largest Contentful Paint), FID (First Input Delay), and CLS (Cumulative Layout Shift). They focus on three aspects, loading, interactivity, and visual stability.

The ultimate goal is to get high Core Web Vitals scores that will improve usability, enable faster loading, and become an SEO ranking factor.

Web Vitals and Core Web Vitals represent the best available signals that measure experience quality, and future improvements and additions are expected.

4. The Metaverse

Person experiencing Virtual Reality

The metaverse is the world of virtual reality, augmented reality, video, and 3D holographic avatars. It is an environment where people play, work and socialize.

Moreover, the metaverse will offer an entirely new set of performance metrics.

The marketers will be able to know how long virtual objects are held, how much space they take up in peripheral vision, and where users are looking when perceiving an ad. This insight can bring you new, valuable knowledge about your audience.

An early instance of the metaverse is Digital Twins.

Digital Twins are virtual environments designed to be digital replicas of physical assets that will allow rapid testing.

PixelMax is also building a virtual workplace for interior design manufacturers in Manchester. This workplace will enable worker avatars to move into a world of interior design and manufacturing.

Facebook has already changed its name to meta, and Samsung is jumping on the metaverse bandwagon.

Many brands will try out virtual worlds in 2022, and the ones that do it first can have an advantage they can benefit from in the future.

5. Social Commerce

Social media icons on smartphone

Social commerce gained massive popularity over the years. The two social media platforms that brought a new meaning to this commerce are Tik Tok and Instagram.

Instagram has around 1,5 billion users, and most users already follow active shopping brands and visit their profiles daily. Some features you can use to sell on Instagram are live shopping, shop tab ads, IGTV ads, reel ads, and Instagram checkout.

TikTok has around 1 billion users, so it isn’t that far behind.

They launched TikTok Shopping in 2022. That allows creators to add a shopping tab to their profile. Integrating Shopify will help pull products from Shopify and display them on TikTok profiles.

It works just like the shop tab on Instagram. And similar to Instagram checkout, users will be able to purchase products without leaving the app.

With even more brands experimenting with social commerce, it’s truly becoming the future of shopping.

Final Words

To conclude, change is an inevitable part of the job for anyone in digital marketing. If you want to progress, you have to look forward. Inform yourself first and try to embrace innovations, tools, technologies, and strategies.

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